A Better Beginning

Welcome to A Better Desk, a chronicle of one man's journey to become a slightly happier, friendlier, and more productive human.

A Better Desk comes at a time in my life when carefully crafted workflows are ripping at the seams and a hectic work life has left me in need of an outlet. Writing is ever present in my life, but lately it has been restricted to cranking out emails and meeting agendas. I'm eager to reclaim a bit of myself and my passion for writing, and I hope to make a few friends along the way. In the end, this blog is therapy for me, and I have no delusions of becoming rich and famous from my online ramblings. Cyril Connolly writes, "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self," and I've learned through experience that this is the only way to write.

Thanks for tuning in.

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