Six Months of A Better Desk

Six months ago, I set out on a journey to find my voice. As my day job became more stressful, I began to long for an outlet and escape from the stresses and pressures of everyday life. My everyday life began and ended in the digital world, where I created bits and bytes that were often launched into the abyss and never seen again. Although writing has always been my outlet, the need to create something physical couldn't be appeased by clickety clacking on a keyboard. I discovered a solution to my dilemma in the pen and paper community.

Most of us live our lives in hopes of finding our passion and building meaningful connections to others, or maybe that's just me. I began my inky journey not knowing where it would lead. As I began to explore the world of pen and paper, my love not only grew for the medium but for the passionate and friendly community that welcomed me with open arms.

We may never have met, but your support and encouragement has gotten me here. I am truly grateful for this little community that's shown me that writing doesn't have to happen in front of a blue screen in a dark room and that the mistakes, scratches and scuffs are the most beautiful parts of the work that we do.

Thank you for letting me be a part of something awesome.

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